You most probably are looking for housing to share with other international students. If you are still abroad, you do not have a network yet in the city you are going to study. Fortunately the internet can help you out. We found some groups and pages on social media. Have a look and consider inserting a post to find your flatgroup. Put the information in your post that you think is important for you. You will attract students who recognize what they think is important too. A video call could be next to check if you already have a kind of click.
Social media platforms for international students
Search for international student Rotterdam on a social media platform and you will find several groups. Some of those are only accessible for members. But since you are a student of will soon be one, it will not be a problem applying for membership by clicking a button.
Here are some examples of groups you might find your future housemates.
International students in Rotterdam
Flatshare, find flatmates in Rotterdam
Apartments & Housing in Rotterdam
International EUR Students + Erasmus and International Student of Rotterdam – Rooms and Accommodations
a roommate via the Erasmus University
TU international students
Housing in Delft
Contact students abroad
Before passing your exams, you already know where and when your next study will begin. Ask your school or other pupils if they know who moved to Rotterdam a year or two years earlier. The students who are already in Rotterdam know where to look or can even do a viewing for you.
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